Friday, 10 May 2013

edited photo

This is my original photo. 

This is my edited photo.
i cut out the background so that it gave the photo its full effect it make the photo stand out more than the original photo because in the original photo the wall and the floor may take the focus away from the main part of the image so for that reason i have cut the background out.

Here is another original photo.

here is the edited version of this photo.
i have used the colour replacement tool to take the colour in the background away so that the only colour that is left is the colour on the wristband. I think this enhance the photo more as it makes the wristband stand out more where as in the original the colour of the wristband is similar to the wall and the floor so could be seen to blend in. So with taking the colour out of the background can make the wristband stand out.

1 comment:

  1. I like this photo because the contrast of the black and white background and the colour of the band makes the photo more effective.
